Trevor Church


I'm Trevor Church, and I have a passion for Economics. I am always interested in its diverse applications for problem solving.

Economist & Data Analyst.

I am currently a graduate student at the University of British Columbia pursuing a Ph.D. in the Integrated Studies of Land and Food Systems with a concentration in Food and Resource Economics.

I graduated from the University of California, Davis in August 2021, earning an M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics. Prior to this, I graduated from the University of North Carolina Wilmington in May 2020, earning a B.A. in Economics as well as a B.S. in Environmental Science, along with a minor in mathematics.



Trevor Church

I am a current graduate student utilizing skills obtained through my academic career in economics and data analytics. My extensive coursework and research in economics has familiarized me with the necessary analytical and quantitative skills required at all stages of the research process. I am passionate about the utilization of statistical analysis in various disciplines.


Ph.D. in The Integrated Study of Land and Food Systems - Food and Resource Economics

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C.


Master of Agriculture & Resource Economics (Candidate)

University of California, Davis, Davis, California


Bachelor of Arts Economics

University of North Carolina Wilmintgon, Wilmington, NC

Departmental Honors

2015 - 2020

Bachelor of Science Environmental Science

University of North Carolina Wilmintgon, Wilmington, NC

2015 - 2020

Pertinent CourseWork

  • Environmental Economics
  • Research Design and Policy Evaluation in Economics
  • Econometric Methods of Economic Research
  • Macroeconomics
  • Micro Analysis I/II
  • Economics of Agriculture
  • Applied Econometrics I/II
  • Environmental Econometrics
  • Differential Equations
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Linear Algebra and Matrices
  • Ecological Modeling
  • Natural Resource Policy

Professional Experience

Health Economics and Outcomes Research and Healthcare Values- Contractor

Oct 2020- Sept 2021

Deciphera Pharmaceuticals, Inc; Waltham, MA

  • Became familiar with patient reported outcome measures from clinical trials of ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and tenosynovial giant cell tumors
  • Conducted literature review relevant to ovarian and endometrial cancer
  • Validated, cleaned and conducted regression analysis on patient reported outcome data in clinical trials
  • Created novel statistical analysis plan around patient reported outcomes
  • Experienced working in matrix organization between medical affairs and HEOR teams

Graduate Student Researcher

July 2021- Aug 2021

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

  • Developed more accurate estimates of California’s Agricultural exports in partnership with the California Department of Food and Agriculture
  • Identified and responded to problems with existing sources of state-level export statistics
  • Improved estimation techniques and revised early export estimates
  • Constructed a novel dataset on cannabis pricing within the United States to identify variation in taxing policies within and across states

Graduate Student Teaching Assistant

Apr 2021- June 2021

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

  • Taught Intermediate Microeconomics: Imperfect Competition, Markets & Welfare Economics to 153 undergraduate students
  • Covered topics in price determination and the employment of resources under conditions of monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition
  • Led office hours twice a week to support students
  • Conducted an hour-long presentation on Price Floor and Price Support or Deficiency Payment Policy Examples

Graduate Student Reader

Jan 2021- Mar 2021

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA

  • Course assistant with work including the grading of student papers and examinations
  • Became familiar with the nature of product marketing by the business firm through the lens of customer-product relationships, pricing and demand, new product development and marketing strategy, promotion and advertising, product life cycles, the distribution system, manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing, and government regulation and restraints


Throughout my acadmeic career, I have developed a passion for the social science of economics and its diverse applications, more specifically the subfields of agricultral and resource economics. My interest in this subfield derives from the growing food insecurity degradation of today’s environmental climate and has been catalyzed through the support of my professors. With ecological issues such as climate change and loss of biodiversity constantly making headlines, research pertaining to these issues seems mandatory for the success of future generations. I believe that economic valuation is a powerful tool for informing policy design to mitigate negative externalities.

  • SAS Programming
  • R Programming
  • ArcGIS Modeling
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • MATLab Modeling
  • Maple Coding


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  • Past Research
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